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Inspired by Emma Ashworth @Emma_Ashworth_Birth_Rights.

I have taken the idea of writing this down to a more permanent, 3D printed level here. Fantastic for keeping in your birth bag, whether you're a birth worker who is going to loan it to clients, or if you;re birthing a baby yourself.

The sign is, small light and the handle neatly fits into your palm (think ping pong bat) and bonus: it's is completely waterproof too!


Emma Ashworth's original post on this:


Stay in control without feeling that you're arguing or fighting with this tip.Huge thanks to the wonderful attendees of a recent workshop of mine who came up with this!If you follow me you'll know that you have the right to decline anything that's offered to you in labour (and that includes things you're told you have to have, because you NEVER "have to", by law).However, we know that in reality it can be the case that midwives or doctors might be persistent in trying to get you to comply with what they want you to do, even if you've already said no. They should not do this, they're not allowed to do this, but they do.It can feel rude to persistently say "no", plus it can take you out of your labour zone to speak, and sometimes it might be very hard to speak. So, consider having a sign right next to you which says something like, "thank you for your offer but I decline it". If you need to say no, just pick it up and show it to them.Just as we feel that a signed consent form feels more consenty than saying "yes" (even though, in reality, it has no more power than your words), having the declining words in writing can feel more powerful as well, and can stop a persistent healthcare provider better than words, even though that shouldn't be the case.It can also help people who struggle to say no, because you're not having to verbalise a word that you struggle with.Have you done this? What do you think of it as a method of communication?

Facilitator Accept/Decline Paddle (10% off)

£14.95 Regular Price
£13.46Sale Price

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