What is Hypnobirthing?
Hypnobirthing will teach you techniques to stay calm, relaxed and in control.
It can be hugely beneficial to your birthing partner too as it will tool them up with ways to support you and protect your birth environment. My course has informed choice at it’s core, with a focus on a positive birth as the outcome…whatever that may look like for you as an individual.
You will learn lots about the mind, about support, and how to make informed choices as well as Biomechanics, the Microbiome, birthing positions and so much more in between. It really is a wonderful course. ❤️
Throughout there will be a strong focus on you maintaining control. After the course you and your partner will be left with with a sense of ‘empowerment’: I cannot empower you, you must do that!
I do not pretend to have all the answers, but I am here to help you find them for yourself.
How does my course work?
There are various ways to take my Hypnobirthing course:
One-2-one (or one-2-two) - £320
Full 10 hour (ish) course, via video call
+ A set of my Birth Prep In A Box cards (includes birth plan writing tools)
+ Continued access to the practice MP3’s
+ Ongoing contact & virtual Doula support from me
Pre-recorded Online Course with live video ‘Recap Call’ - £69.99 (1hr call)
Follow through the course content in your own time
+ One hour recap video call with you and your partner (add more hours if you like)
+ Continued access to the practice MP3’s via my app
Pre-recorded Online Course - £39.99
(Or £9.99 per month if you’re near the end of your pregnancy)
Follow through the course content win your own time
+ Continued access to the practice MP3’s via my app
Birth Plan Writing One-2-one - £45-75
One or two hour session to work through your birth plan research and writing process together
+ A set of my Birth Prep In A Box cards (includes birth plan writing tools)
Included in EVERY type of course:
Full birth preparation course (see below for full topics list)
Videos AND written content
All the Hypnobirthing tools and knowledge you will require
7+ MP3’s for ongoing practice
Birth partner tools
Breathing Techniques
The evidence behind Hypnosis & mindfulness (Hypnobirthing)
Extensive link and resource library
Still not sure which is the right course for you?
This graphic may help you decide...
Get in touch now to learn more, or book your first one-2-one session.
Keep it simple: Why not just book a one-2-one by-the-hour call
Book a video call with me now…
Book an hour’s call between you, your partner and me and we can recap anything that you would like to and also ask any questions on anything that you would like to know based on your individual circumstances. An online course is great, but one size can’t quite suit all.
Reasons to book a one-2-one:
Recap the any specific course content
Clarify your rights in birth (eg rights to birth at home, to pain relief, to no vaginal examinations, to decline care, etc)
Talk about your personal circumstances
Write a birth plan with me (2hrs suggested)
Empower your partner in their role
And so many more reasons...
Get in touch now to book a call.
Investment: £30/hr
and importantly how to harness them for a positive birth experience for everyone
Stages of Labour
Latent Phase
1st Phase
2nd Phase
3rd Phase
Golden Hour
Fourth Trimester
And information on what these stages are likely to look and feel like for both you and your partner
Practical Preparation
Pain Relief
Vitamin K
Knowing Your Rights
Decision Making
Birth Plan Writing
Sample Birth Plan
Hynosis & Mindfulness for Birth
What is Hypnosis
The Fear-Tension-Pain Cycle
The Brain & Birth
The Conscious Mind
The Subconscious Mind
Autonomic Nervous System
Mind Body Connection
Vagus Nerve
‘Pain Relief’
Brain Training
Mammals & Birth
What is Mindfulness
Sounds of Labour
Where’s the evidence
So What Next?
The MP3’s
As you can see, there is a HUGE number of topics covered in the course, and all in a comprehensive easily accessible way. No jargon used, promise!
If you would like to ask any questions please ask away, ready to book? Go for it…
Topics covered in the course:
What is included?
The course is designed for both you AND your partner to work through together and includes information on the following topics: