Doula Services
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Fourth Trimester, one for grandma, responsive parenting, postnatal recovery, breastfeeding, bottle feeding, is this normal, eating, food,
Let's talk about the first year of parenting
Amy Brown
Fourth Trimester
The First Forty Days
Heng Ou
Colostrum, Pregnant, hand express, syringe
Why Baby Loss Matters
Kay King
Baby Loss
hypnobirthing, hypnosis for birth, mindfulness, labyrinth
Why Whypnobirthing Matters
Katrina Berry
Mindful Hypnobirthing
Sophie Fletcher
Microbiome, gut health
The Microbiome Effect
Toni Harman
Microbiome at Birth
Breastfeeding Pain, newborn
Why Baby Wearing Matters
Rosie Knowles
Baby Wearing
Mental Health, Yoga, Mindfulness, Postnatal, Psychologist, Nutricion,
Mindful New Mum
Dr Caroline Boyd
Mental Health
Microbiome, Gut Health, Seeding
The Microbiome Effect: How Your Baby's Birth Influences Their Future Health: How your baby’s birth affects their future health
doula, what is a doula
Why Doulas Matter - Maddie McMahon
Maddie McMahon
My Rights, Human Rights, Coersion, Record Appointment, Consent,
The AIMS Guide to Your Rights in Pregnancy and Birth
Emma Ashworth
Your Rights in Pregnancy
The Positive Breastfeeding Book
Why Postnatal Recovery Matters
Sophie Messager
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